
The PortALL App is designed to enhance and simplify your business compliance processes. Put plainly it will streamline data exchange between Compliance Officer and employee; client and Compliance Consultant as well as enhance the central monitoring of your compliance processes.


Workflows automatically manage the disclosure/approval process between an employee and the client’s Compliance Officers ensuring there are robust audit trails, and everyone is kept informed. There are additional workflows to manage the issuing and tracking of employee attestations. Reminders are sent to employees if attestations remain open and when the process is complete, the next attestation is automatically scheduled based on a predefined frequency. 

The workflow automatically issues employees with relevant training and presents the Firm’s Compliance Officer with feedback on user performance. The system will present the Compliance Officer with the most important information (i.e. failed training) which will enable the Compliance Officer to take steps to resolve a flagged issue or focus on other areas. Management information can be collated and presented as part of a monitoring audit trail.

Compliance Training and Learning Management System

PortALL also includes an e-learning compliance solution that issues users with tailored compliance training based on the regulated status of their Firm and their individual employee role/responsibilities. This avoids the need for all your employees to sit through time consuming and inflexible class-based learning every year. 

The e-learning can be set at the appropriate level for different employees and can be completed on your own time frame. Crucially, PortALL monitors who has completed their compliance training (and successfully answered questions), maintaining an audit trail and issuing reminder alerts as necessary.


The security and integrity of your confidential data is the most important aspect of any technology solution. PortALL has been designed and built with security as the cornerstone of the system. 

PortALL leverages Microsoft SharePoint and the Azure server network to host, maintain and manage your data. This means that your information is physically secure, with Microsoft maintaining round the clock security at its data centres, and digitally secure, with information stored on drives encrypted using BitLocker encryption (i.e., encryption at rest) and accessed through HTTPS. 

The PortALL system benefits from multiple layers of redundancy, with backups of information maintained at data centre level and available to fully restore as system should it be required. Data is maintained in United Kingdom based data centres and will continue to belong to you throughout your use of the system. Additionally, data can be exported (as Excel data sheets) ensuring your data is accessible and maintainable whatever happens.